Jambo journal

By IainC


Boy, we just got drookit walking back from the book festival Spiegeltent! And it had been great weather for wandering about too. Did the Art Late North event, visiting 5 exhibitions before getting uber-arted and skipping the sixth. We had started off at Wind Pipes in Trinity Apse which was quite good but I really fancied playing them myself instead of listening to a composed piece. Of the rest, I think I liked Doig Klasse in Canongate Venture best, despite Mr Doig's blatant self publication.

Our subsequent search for pub food went unrequited but we ended up in the aforesaid Spiegeltent where they had plenty packets of crisps to support some beer consumption. The session from Kevin MacNeil and Willie Campbell was excellent and a fine finish to the evening - before our squelchy trek home!

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