Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Bug Hunting

E was at our neighbours house today for a bit of a play for his birthday. Just enough time to us to nip out to an organised bug hunt. We found most of the bits on the list, but not the caterpillars, ladybird, or thankfully a slug!

We passed by J's shop to find they'd had to close it after the builders had turned up unannounced to fix the floor. Strangely couldn't understand why the shop couldn't remain open along side the nail guns, saws, blocked fire exit and ten tonne of dust.

We came home to tidy up a bit which turned into one of those nightmare cleaning sessions. I mop the floors, M tidies some papers that were covered in glitter :-S, I hoover the carpets and M sorts out the pen and pencil pot included all the pencil shavings! :-S Ah well.

E ended up staying at her friends for most of the day. She stayed for lunch, then a bit of a play, may as well hang on while he cut his cake, practically dinner time by then, can't leave on a full tummy, etc etc. She definitely had fun and came home will a full tummy.

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