Busy day

Normal kind of day, has just seemed a busy one.
Up and dressed and ready for the day around 10:30, after breakfast and morning sleep.
Headed to the retail park in search of frilly knickers, cotton button style pyjamas trousers (that aren't jeans) and a jumper for Charlotte.
Matalan clothes all looked too old for her
Next clothes were lovely but a few too many bows, sequins or general glitz for my liking
M&S - gorg dungarees, yes they weren't on the list and a beautiful dress along with a pair of purple trousers, pink hoody and a cardi. No pyjamas or frilly knickers.
After someone deliberation I bought Charlotte 18-24 month size.

In the afternoon Rachel and the girls came over. I showed her the clothes. The dungarees would have fitted E! She is almost 6!

Waited till daddy got home then did a dash to M&S to change sizes. Given this morning they had loads I was glad I went back tonight as they only had one pair of the dungarees and one of the dress in the smaller size.

Charlotte is really teething at the moment. Her cheeks look so sore and dry in places. Her thumb has a blister on it from over sucking. Poor love.

Not looking promising to get my new car tomorrow - very annoying as I will have to transfer the insurance again. DVLA have a lot to answer to!

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