A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Preparations and arrivals.

We had a morning of baking and last minute shopping ending up with picking up one of Grace's bridesmaids, Zoe, from the station.

After lunch I left them to various preparation activities (there seems to be a lot of those) for things to be taken either to the church or the reception venue. (They were also very helpful making beds!)

We are awaiting the arrival of the groom to be and then we have the wedding rehearsal this evening followed by a meal at the pub! I have decided that lunch today was the last meal I am going to make now till after the wedding. The ironing board is going away and the washing machine is going off. We have a full day tomorrow preparing the village hall and then an early evening of pampering for me, the bride and the three bridesmaids.

(Just realised that Grace is wearing her jumper inside out!)

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