Drama in the Firth

We took a walk down to the lifeboat station this afternoon and I saw this very small Ribeye drifting out to sea on the outgoing tide. When we got to the lifeboat station, we met a friend who is a member of the lifeboat crew. We stopped to chat and the rain came on, so he invited us into the station. Well we hadn't been in there more than a minute, when Aberdeen Coastguard celled up over the Tannoy to ask for a crew to be launched from Kessock Lifeboat station as a nan in a dinghy was in difficulty by the bridge. This was the same person I saw drifting out to sea. So the lifeboat was launched and we watched the drama unfold. The Lifeboat was out to him within a minute, they travel a fair rate of knots, and everything was handled well. The man in the boat, well he was fine! So that was our little bit of drama for the day

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