Meet the locals

I went on a wander around and about the estate this evening. I took a few shots of a red house and a very expensive white house but nothing really was inspiring me to be honest.

I have been reading a book "Within the frame" by David duChemin, which was recommended reading from a fellow blipper on the forums. It advocates taking the time to speak to people and actually being brave enough to ask for the shot.

So when I noticed that the local farmers were busy harvesting their fruit and veg from the fields opposite, I spoke to mum to sound out whether it would be ok to walk down the path alongside the field (which it was because it is a public footpath) and whether she thought the farmers would be friendly. when she told me that once they have done the harvest, they usually come and tell residents on mum's estate that they can go and help themselves to any remaining produce, I figured that it would be OK to go and be brave.

So I wandered down, sadly in fading light which is why the picture isn't particularly sharp, and spoke briefly with the farmers (Hola is always a good starting point.) - commented on they harvest of red and green peppers which looked lush ("muy bien" says I and points!). Then I ask "es posible para photografia" - and again, point at the two of them. i then add that I am English (NO SHIT SHERLOCK). Both of them smiled and gave me lovely smiles (yes Crazy English woman, you can take our photo).

There was a lovely old fellow, but the light was just not good enough to get a steady shot of him sadly - he was a perfect portrait as well...

Both were lovely - lots of muchos gracias from me and big smiles, and they got back on with their work, and I ambled away happy with my personal achievement.

And to top off a great day, I have re-booked Corin's flights and he is joining us on Saturday, so we have 3 weeks together out here for some decent quality chilling out time.

Happy is the girl whose man is coming to visit.

If you get chance, check out Corin's "about this journal" page just for the fun of it.

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