All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Zetland Park

I decided last night that if it was a nice day today, I wanted to take Ethan to a park where he could ride his bike on a mini traffic system. I remember my parents taking me to one in Paisley when I was a child but didn't know where there was one more local to where I stay now. So after a Facebook appeal for info to my pals last night, I decided Zetland Park in Grangemouth looked like the best bet.

So, after Ethan's swimming lesson we headed over to Bathgate to pick up some bits and pieces in Tescos, over to the Foreveryoungs for lunch, then after a plea from Ethan, Foreveryoung joined us on our afternoon trip too!

And it was great! The mini traffic system is fab - Ethan loved it! I have never seen him ride his bike continuously for such a long time before. He just adored going round the different road layouts over and over. He even got annoyed when the other children were riding on the wrong side of the road as I'd told him he must stay on the left hand side haha! He also had a wee play in the playpark, lots of shots on the massive inflatable slide, another ride around the traffic system before we headed home. The only downside being when he fell off his bike after trying to race Foreveryoung back to the car! It was a real hit though and on my list of places to go back to again with his bike.

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