When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Who makes the Nazis?

"Who makes the nazis?
I'll tell ya who makes the nazis
All the Os"

Seems to me, the appearance of an SS officer on the Royal Mile could be construed as a variation on Godwin's law;

"As an Arts festival progresses, the probability of someone using a man in an SS Uniform as an advertising tool approaches 100%"

The SS officer concerns me not one bit, the arts are there to probe all areas of human experience. Plus, Nazis uniforms always make me think of Spike Milligan...

I wish I could say the same for the Scottish Defence League rally which will take place in Edinburgh on Saturday. Knuckle dragging brain donors are being bused in for a March between Market Street and the Parliament. There is a counter demo assembling at Chamber Street from 12 noon. I will be heading along to that, to make my opposition to these morons and the total nonsense they spout as clear as possible.

In other news, thanks to Blipcentral, I am now simply Slybacon, not slybaconshots. This makes me happy because now my tumblr, 500px and blip all match. Small pleasures eh?

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