mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Sleepy pup.

Under the green blanket are my feet! Tia is keeping my feet warm for me. She doesn't know that of course, they just happen to be where she wanted to lie!
Black Labradors are so hard to photograph you know? I had to lighten this up via Instagram first. I don't like using a flash because it makes their eyes look like green demons!
My daughter chose the dress today. She looked so beautiful. I get to choose my outfit as soon as the bridesmaids' colour is decided on. I don't want to clash or wear the same colour and look like the oldest bridesmaid in Christendom!!
Day 3 of the ab exercises - err.. well.. I had to take hubby to the station and then I started pruning some overhead bushes while I waited for a new gardener to come and well.. I err.. haven't done them today. Maybe do a few sit-ups when my dinner has gone down.. ;-)

Edit - just something I want to share - a twitter friend posted a pic today that just absolutely tickled me pink! You know when you just find something so funny that every time you think of it in the day, you laugh again? It was totally daft but here goes ;
Quote "I keep saying "I'm as single as a Pringle" in my head, but really, Pringles aren't single. They're even constantly spooning. What a slutty crisp."
Now I know that's totally daft but I'm smiling fit to burst!!

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