
...also known as 'Stella has her head in the clouds' :)

I wasn't helping my dizziness pointing the camera up at the sky for today's photo-a-day challenge and little miss nosey came over to see what was occurring. A lot of the day she's spent looking after me; the weather must be doing something weird; my headache is being unbearable in bursts. Aspirin didn't work at all so I cancelled the dentist again but the Kool 'n' Soothe patch helped enough that I could get Stella out and about and to her vet's appointment.

Vet's already rung to tell me that one test is absolutely fine this time which is a relief, the other has gone off to the lab. The nurse, however, found yet another little lump thing when they were shaving her so another thing to keep an eye on.

Roll on Thursday!

Oh and Stella was in charge of Woof Wednesday too :)

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