
I was all set to go to my running club tonight. I got home, fed Wesley, changed into my running gear and then was waiting until I had to leave the house and I simply decided not to go. I went out for a run in my own instead. My decision was threefold:

1. I didn't have to wait until 7pm.

2. I decided that at this stage in my training hill work is more important than speed work, especially with what I've heard about the last 10 miles of the Loch Ness Marathon. The session tonight was a tempo session of laps around the meadows. Not my favourite session. Plus I haven't been up on Arthur's Seat in what feels like ages.

3. I was extremely annoyed and irritated by work today. In my agitated state, I wasn't likely to be the best company. I know it's hard to believe but I can be grumpy sometimes... Days like these, I'm better off on my own, running through the hills feeling the wind on my face and my hearing my heartbeat thudding in my ears.

I went straight up the Radical Road, traversed around the front of Arthur's Seat, looped up the hill just behind it, down to the road and straight across the other side up another hill overlooking the loch and then a downhill trail section back to the park. 4 miles of blowing off steam!

Today's run: 4 miles
August running mileage: 51 miles
2013 running mileage: 699 miles

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