
By Houseonahill6

It's a beautiful day

Well today turned out to be stunning. Hot with blue skies and a slight breeze. I decided that a minute should nt be lost so I was out at just before 8 ready to paint the decking with oil. Managed to do the top decking near the Hobby house including the steps and handrails and then had a break down by the' lookout' where the buddleia is. I'd been down there earlier but there were no butterflies to be seen. I realised that it was still before 9 so they were probably still warming up. This time it was covered but still only small tortoise shells and some small and large whites. Took a few shots and ended up putting this one through a lens effect. Thought it would be something different.
I did see what I think was a small copper, it was there for a flash and disappeared but it was very pretty.
We've had a few showers and it's now cloudy so no chance of seeing the meteor shower again.

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