By JoeMB


My eyes are moist with tears as I write this. The trees in the photo are almost 25 years old. Our compound manager has resolved to have those two palms cut down. Reason: they pose a threat to the neighboring library structure, part of which is visible on the left. Before the foundation of the library was laid in 1999, some excavation had to be done to level the ground. Those two trees were left to stand on the edge of a bank created by the excavation work. It is a fact that a lot of erosion has taken place at the base of the trees. It is not easy to test the strength of the anchorage of these trees. I think it is wise to cut down these trees before one of them tumbles down one day crushing the neighboring structure with the possibility of serious injuries to those . We could reinforce the anchorage of these trees with concrete or hardcore stones but we would need several tons of this and cement is damn expensive. If I had the money I would have provided the funds to save these trees. Probably I have to let go but I will really miss these old beauties.

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