Basking in sunlight.....
I woke with a headache which slowly disappeared through the course of the day, leaving me a little tired, slow and restless.
After a quieter session at the gym and an even-paced walk with mum, I couldn't settle on house jobs so took the car out and headed into the countryside. The sun was warm and streamed through the windows, a few wispy clouds were scattered through the sky and the snow capped mountains looked impressive in the sunlight. I passed through rural villages with names like Middleton-on-the-Cust today known as just plain Cust and further along another called Oxford, such small knit communities where everyone pitches in in all kinds of circumstances.
I took a break down by the Eyre River and strolled through the picnic reserve. I spent ages watching little goldfinches at the top of pine trees eating from the opened cones, it was like a party there were so many of them, all twittering in an excited manner. I couldn't think of anything worse than munching on chunks of pinecones with that woody, earthy taste, give me an apple any day. The river has changed course since I was last there and had me hopping from rock to rock, slipping and ending up with a shoe full of water, no worries the camera was safe and I was having fun just being out.
After many shots were taken it was time to hit the road and return home. At the local airfield the high for the day was 18C, almost like summer - so nice to be out today.
The pinecone reminds me of this day and the wee goldfinches having a party.
Happy Wednesday everyone :)
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