More Couch Diving

I went over and watched Merrick while my daughter ran to the grocery store.

My question is this. As the I supposed to stop the couch diving? I supposed to photograph it for prosperity? I guess this collage provides the answer.

One thing I didn't photograph. Merrick stands on the arm of the couch that is pictured, and leaps 3-4 feet into an armchair that I am leaned up against. Crazy boy.

I gave him an 8 on his armchair jump, but only a 5 on this couch sequence. Who smiles during a dive? And, I thought the landing was weak.

Since I had to use the flash...this is 4 different pictures..."shopped" together.

I'm surprised he was doing any couch diving. We were watching Finding Nemo, and it was spellbinding. I hate to ruin it for everybody, but Nemo's dad overcomes a lot of obstacles, and finds his son...and the two clownfish live happily ever after.

Sorry about that. I should have issued a spoiler alert before giving away the ending.

11:20 p.m. Off to beddy-bye.

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