Sailors fighting in the dance hall

I made a rare mid week visit to the cinema this evening to see 'David Bowie is happening now', a live national broadcast from the Victoria and Albert Museum down in the Smoke to mark the end of their exhibition David Bowie is.... It was a suitably colourful collage of video clips, interviews, analyses, and random recollections, ranging over the entire career of the one-time David Jones, right from the early 60s through to 'The Next Day', the album released earlier this year. There were more eye-zipping outfits than I was expecting - clearly he is/ was to some people as much of a technicolored fashion icon as a musician.
What can you say about David Bowie that hasn't already been said 100 times? My own introduction came via a scratchy vinyl compilation when I was nobbut a nipper offering the usual 'best of' contenders. I can still remember the sleeve remarkably vividly. Later a mate from school developed a fascination with the album 'Hunky Dory'. He was, I recall, particularly keen on the track 'Andy Warhol' ( " in holes...")...
Altogether now!
Sailors, fighting in the dance hall, Oh man, look at those cave men go, it's the freakiest show...

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