Bombs Away!

This little fella has been one very busy bee! Surely that amount of pollen must weigh him down!

Another busy day at the office. Boss lady is on her hols so I am holding the fort and dealing with all of the weighty issues of the day. Oh the pressure! Today, unlike yesterday, passed without accident or incident. This is a good thing! Downside of all this power? I have to forego my working from home day to keep my finger on the pulsating pulse! Never will pass quickly

We went down to the beach this evening and it was really gorgeous. The water was calm and blue. It could have been the med rather than the North Sea. We stopped and stared and listened to the water gently lapping. I love where i live! the medication must be kicking in!! ;)The seals were scooting around but too far offshore to snap unfortunately.

Hope you all had a good day too

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