Rainbow worm

By rainboworm

i just don't know why...

Look at the state of them. Matthew and Mael. On the journey back from Cherbourg on Thursday night, the length of which i grossly underestimated, the woman in the Shell garage took pity on me at 10pm with 3 hours to go and the children running wild. She came up trumps with logo-ed frisbees and rockets. They were delighted and they're current favourites.
And so today developed some complicated game with forehead tatoos and Scalectrix and teams.
Actually we spent a lovely day at Rostrenen market this morning, buying some cabbages and Nell's new chicken Cake. And this afternoon the newlyweds came over; with Lucile's Mum and sister Katrine, and Billie, Alix and Tess came over for tea. And a tour of the mill, and cake and lots of girl-play.

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