Just the Withers......

By JaneW

More happiness is ...

A sleepover at Nanzys house and riding on Aunty Eve's shoulders ... I actually said to him 'look beautiful Jakey' and he did a very quirky little eyebrow raise with a smug look ... Love this boy ...
The weather did not know what to do today ... We went for a dog walk to the woods and it started raining ... So we went deeper into the wooded bit and it never rained enough to seep through all the leaves ... Then we came home and it started raining harder .. What do you do when this happens ? Well I shall tell you ... We go to Wyevale garden centre and buy a dinosaur head with little dinosaurs inside who also have fake mini boulders and some trees !!
Then overly excited with buying crap we drove to pound land and purchased a tractor !!! I also purchased some batteries and balloons ... The excitement never ends in this house.
Now we are watching Disneys Cars film ...

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