
By Croft16

Couldn't resist..

..another shot of Tanni. SHe's not long been out of the machine!!

Went for my usual walk around the croft, and got some nice macro shots of grasses, the Viviparous fescue that I posted some time ago showing how it's developed, some mat grass - now in skeletal form having shed it's seeds, a fuschia, some rose hips.. But she sat there looking cute, so there she is..

Been weeding for most of the day, using A's tractor to collect the trugfulls. Done two unplanted patches, with weeds that were just about to shed seed. Then started on the beetroot. Also took the chicken manure down to the compost heap, something I've not been able to do as I couldn't start the tractor (flat battery that's been on charge)..

Been told to get a good portrait shot, you need a sparkle in the eyes, and if you can see a bit of the "white", it makes it more appealing.. Think this works..

music, Oops, typo there, I typed Collies!..

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