The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Take What You Need

I have quite a bit of travel planned in over the next few months.

It's only for a couple of days at a time so it's always important for me to take only what I need so that I can squeeze it in to a rucksack rather than drag a suitcase around!

So, everything is going in the trusted old bag I bought in Toronto about 12 years ago!

I like lists.

Especially when I travel.

It takes me 60 seconds to write down exactly what I need and brings order to the short time it then takes to gather everything together.

Packing always makes me reflect on the importance of planning and preparation - especially if you have a busy brain!

When I attend a meeting, I take along what I need and leave behind anything that has the potential to distract me - usually my Blackberry!

If I'm coaching, I set aside time in my diary beforehand to ensure I re-familiarise myself with any previous conversations and then I decide what needs to come along to support the session.

Most mornings, I take a little time before leaving the house to think about what awaits me for the rest of the day - but only at a very high level.

We can't fully plan for what any day throws at us, right?

We can only position ourselves in the place of grace - ready to flex and respond to any new challenges that come our way.

Do you have a busy brain?

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