A MIMent In Time

By justmim

City fresh air.


Morning wander into town and up to the National Museum rooftop terrace. Although I have been to the Museum itself many, many times (and yet still manage to get incomprehensibly lost!) over the past year it has been a while since I had been up to the terrace so it was lovely to be there this morning shortly after opening and before the majority of tourists arrived.

My body clock is completely out of sync at the moment, I think due to the really irregular pattern of shifts that I have been working. As such I have been trying to make the most of the mornings/afternoons/evenings that I am not working and find a balance between rest, fun and grown up responsibilities. So the walk and coffee in the Meadows (mmm, latte machiato from Peter's Yard) was perfect :)

Short shift in the afternoon - swimming! I very rarely go swimming and when I do it is with work. Unfortunately this means that I have become quite a weak swimmer...so I was very pleased today when I completed a full, unbroken length! This left my arms feeling like jelly so only managed short lengths after that but I can't help feeling that I should try to actually get into swimming - in between the gulps of water and occasionally flailing legs I quite enjoyed it :)

Anyway...sleepover shift this evening so I better get moving!

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