it's a Dog's Life!

Apparently we're looking for butterflies - AGAIN!

She said we were going for a walk, but then she said "Sit and Stay" and she walked into the wild flower meadow and left me sitting and staying for at least 3 minutes - which I tell you is a very long time for a dog like me!

I know there are young pheasants in the wood, why cant we go and look for them? That would be much more fun!

Hopefully she'll take me for a proper walk after tea, before she leaves me again, while she's 'Working' at the PUB!

I tell you, it really is a dog's life living with her.

In other news, I stayed up late to look for shooting stars last night. Between midnight and 00.20 hrs I saw 5, not very spectacular, just momentary streaks across the sky. It was however, lovely to hear tawny owls calling to each other in the quietness of the night.

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