Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Like a good neighbour...

I highly doubt a State Farm Insurance adjuster would have worked as quickly as the neighbour across the street.

On Sunday I mentioned to my neighbour with all the man tools (snow blower, gas powered whipper-snipper, chain saws, etc.) that a tree had fallen during the storm and that I would be very appreciative if he could assist in dismantling the fallen beast. I have a Lee Valley tree saw, and have used it in the past, but it is an arduous task by hand...

Well, I arrived home yesterday after work to find a neatly stacked pile of log-lettes (the tree wasn't huge), each a foot in length, on the sidewalk near where the tree had jumped, or was more likely pushed, to its death.

The WTN/AJ and I quickly made our way to the NSLC (NS booze store for those "from away") and procured a nice "top shelf" bottle of wine for the nice neighbour. He's a high school teacher on summer vacation and wanted nothing to do with my tithe because he only did it to be helpful; this story actually goes back several snow blowing events and another tree removal.

So now the WTN/AJ and I have a nice pile of dry (the tree was rotten) maple to throw in the Turkish grill this weekend and sit with the canine fur children and drink things from the NSLC in the back garden - Do you actually think I would go to the liquor store and only purchase a single bottle of wine...

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