
Bean has spent pretty much ALL DAY in the window waiting for Grandma to get here. From 8.30am in the morning through to when she and I both arrived at the house at the same time (thankfully there were two spaces outside!!) around 6.30pm, he was watching and waiting.

So we did very little. Which was a good thing, because Bear woke up with a temperature in a big old grump and after battling into clothes and a dose of medicine he went back to bed again. Twice. And I was in a grump too, and ended up going back to bed for a cry as well before Steve came and found me and we finally sorted ourselves out and connected again and figured out what was going on in our heads. And we're in a much better place now, now we understand more of what the other has been going through over the last week / month / year. We are far stronger together than we are individually.

Bear has eaten very little today. Two more molars are pushing through at the bottom (so at least by the end of this he'll have teeth he can chew interesting stuff with) but they don't half cause a bother.

At the last minute I decided we really did need to get to the shops before Grandma arrived so I took Bear with me and he perked right up at the chance of a trolley ride, even if it was a bit hairy getting there as we were motoring on fumes I think but we made it to the garage for diesel just in time. Bear helped carry some of the shopping around. I panicked a little when he started complaining about something and I turned to see what looked like brown mush on his face and thought he'd bitten right through into the chicken stock cubes, but thankfully it was just the yellow-brown packaging on his face that he was complaining about :-/

We made it home in time to see Grandma stuck behind the level crossing and had a ridiculously late tea of beef stir-fry and a stupidly late bedtime for the boys (late even by our standards) who were only too grateful to go to bed. We didn't bother with cuddles on the floor. We just all climbed into Bear's bed until Bean was almost asleep, and climbed up onto his own bed. And I almost fell asleep too.

And a very very late night for Steve and I, writing emails....

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