Tinker, tailor, soldier...?
When I posted pictures of Billy previously I talked about his life as a merchant seaman. However, this only began in the late 1950s. During the war it appears that he was an aircraftman, and possibly in one of the more specialised and secretive branches of the armed forces. His military records are embargoed until 25 years after his death, he says on discharge he was told never to talk about his wartime history.... and his house when it was cleared contained rather a lot of weapons (which have now been handed in to the local police). So this mild-mannered, dainty little man may well, for all we know, have killed people with his bare hands. Staff at the home have learned not to wake him too suddenly - he still has finely-tuned reflexes. All that would help to explain his survival skills, too.
These two photos, although taken only seconds apart, show two aspects of his character and mood quite well, I think. He's now settled in the same care home and has sold his tumbledown house and arranged his affairs, with a great deal of support from his friends in Plaid Cymru.
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