La vida de Annie

By Annie

Listed building.....

.... or listing building?

The Victorian Greenhouse at Burton Manor is in a sorry state and needs oodles of cash to restore it. It can't be demolished as it is "officially protected as both a listed building and as being in a conservation area." I didn't disobey the warning signs and go inside, as there are hanging shards of glass and I didn't fancy decapitation even if it meant a cracking good blip (which I couldn't have posted anyway, being headless).

End of a super weekend despite heavy rain today. Lots of texture shots and shooting in mono with coloured filters, plus a bit of Lensbaby practice. The people were great and I met a lady from Yorkshire with my exact "old" accent, who went to a school just down the road from my school. After 2 days I'm almost speaking like a Tyke again, reinforced by an episode of The Royal this evening. It will wear off sadly.

Have a great week everyone.

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