
By Beckett


........ you may have noticed I do like horses!
You may have also noticed I am very pro our Penrith area for the qualities of life it offers.
Todays Blip is pretty basic after all.... grazing horses!
The thing being, this is just one of many paddocks within two minutes drive from the CBD of Penrith, where horse are held for pleasure riding. And on a wider radius, within 15 minutes drive the mighty Bart Cummings has breeding paddocks and stables, and of course my Street Photo #5 showed pacers at work on the Paceway right in CBD centre.
All in all Penrith is, and has been a very strong equine area, also probably due the fact pastures are good with the fertile soils close to the mighty Nepean River

After all that - enjoy the grazing hores!

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