
I'm not sure why school holidays seem to send the traffic even more haywire than normal round here, but the city's a cacophony of impatient hooters and sirens; not for the first time, I feel like pedestrians should be allowed an equivalent device to respond to horn-happy knob-ends in BMWs who can't cope with the concept of "pedestrian right of way". Perhaps a neon sign reading UP YOURS, BOLLOCKCHOPS mounted on our heads, that we could light up as a corrective measure to errant drivers when required. Of course, a V-sign is much cheaper and more energy efficient, but it doesn't quite convey the level of annoyance at these pampered pillocks that I'd like.

It comes as a relief to find a street that you can cross without taking your life in your hands. It's a little oasis of perambulatory sanity.

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