
By airedaleknitter

The Glorious Twelfth

...unless you happen to be a grouse.

This is taken from the top of Moor Edge on our (Reggie and I) evening walk. The viaduct that all local blippers including myself blip on a regular basis is visible on the far right and the church on the horizon is St Pauls at Denholme, sadly no longer a 'working' church. My great grandparents, David Binns (July 1869- Jan 1959) and Rose Hannah Bower (Sept 1870 -Oct 1901) married there on Aug 27 1890. They had four children, William Henry (1895-1915), George (1896-1917), Susy (1899 -1955 my grandmother) and Rose Hannah ( Oct 1901 -1994). I often wonder how long it took Willie and George to get to France, and what they would think to the channel tunnel? Sadly neither of them came back, Willie having a grave in Belgium, George only listed on a panel at Tynecot memorial. Won't have chance to call in and pay my respects to them this year, but I will think of them as we drive down through France.

Many thanks for every ones birthday wishes to Mr H for today. I feel much happier now he is the same age as me again!

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