108 Years Ago Yesterday
On Friday I blipped an heirloom belonging to my parents that Tess's Mum had unearthed. Tess' Dad used to collect antiques and apparently my parents had asked him to see if he could have this collection of postcards that had been in the family for some time valued. For some reason they had left it with him for safekeeping and it had lain forgotten in a box that Tess's Mum recently discovered in the garage.
There are some very interesting painted cards, such as this, as well as early photo ones. This is the first one I looked at and turns out to be a card from my paternal grandmother (whose pet name was Cis) to my grandfather, Arthur, before they were married when they were both working in service in large houses about 5 miles apart. It reads:
Dear A
so pleased to get your letter and am glad to say I feel better today. I think i was a bit over tired on Thursday as I have had it a bit stiff lately with such a lot of company and only me to do everything. I hope I shall see you Saturday evening; the days seem so long don't they, but still we get through them.
With love from CM
The postmark is dated 11 Aug 1905, so my Grandad would have got it 108 years ago today. I love the slightly formal language, the discreet hint of a lovers' tiff at their previous meeting and the tactful suggestion of longing the message conveys.
Their must be over 100 crads sent to and from various friends and members of my family, so I'm looking forward to finding out more.
Brian Ferry back blip here
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