
By PorridgeWog


DDW's August Challenge Day 12 : Scary

I had in mind that I would take a picture at work today - under a floor in a cramped space, but the way things turned out today I didn't get under the floor (that's a job for tomorrow). So I was struggling to think of something to blip.

I was looking out the window whilst talking to Bob and a bee flew past. I thought that would do, although not a thing that I am scared of, there are lots of people who are scared of them. Photographing bees, I have learnt, is not easy. They move around a lot. And I was being eaten alive by midges...

An interesting fact which most motorcyclists will know about bees is that they are filled with custard...

Anyway they aren't scary they are lovely things and they make mum's garden beautiful.

Here's a wee song to go with today's blip

The blipper formerly known as Porridge Wog

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