Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Snap, Without Crackle or Pop

This my son P's masterpiece, finally completed with the stickers (eyes, toe nails & text) & feet glued on. We have been away camping over the last few days, so he never had the chance to finish it off properly. It all started at my work place here on 6th August. The stickers were done on a Roland CAMM1 plotter cutter using a design software package called 2dDesign. These plotter machines are used to cut out vinyl for vehicle/shop window advertising. And the detail is amazingly seamless & precise.
P was well chuffed. And so was Mummy when she arrived home from work.

I managed to "finish" off my project today as well. The trailer I have been working on over the last few weeks has finally recieved it's coat of varnish on the inside. I only need to add the sealant in the corners now, which I'll do first thing in the morning before setting off to work.

P & myself had a chat about the Galloping Gertie bridge tonight as we watched it on Youtube (instead of a bedtime story). We also had a chat about Ultravox in the 70's (Foxx, not Ure) and wanted to know what they looked like back then. And this is one of the clips I showed him. He was well impressed with it, especially this version as it is totally different to the "drum machine" original LP version.

He is off to the pictures tomorrow with Nana & Grandad.

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