
Today's the day ............................ for a lakeside picnic

My birthday present to Will was to take him to one of the Lake District Summer Music Festival concerts at the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick - and today was the day. I'd also promised him a gourmet picnic beforehand and this was to be at Derwentwater.

Derwentwater occupies part of Borrowdale and lies south of Keswick. It is about 3 miles long by 1 mile wide - and about 70 feet deep. This is where the Keswick Launch sails from and where you can hire rowing boats. There are several islands within the lake and this is looking across to Derwent Island House, an 18th-century residence owned by the National Trust.

We did think about getting a rowing boat and having the gourmet picnic in the middle of the lake somewhere. Just as well we didn't because the heavens opened not long after I took this - and the gourmet picnic was eaten in the car .........................

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