Security Guard ...
... at the entrance to the galleries at the New Britain Museum of American Art in Connecticut. It's a sculpture by Marc Sijan (b. 1946), entitled Security Guard (Syl Sijan--his son?). It (he) is hauntingly realistic--even as we left after a 2 1/2 hour visit I did yet another double take. The sign on the glass door is amusing--see it in large.
The museum is an hour's drive from Northampton, just south of Hartford, and we met for lunch with my youngest son Adrian, who drove up from New Haven. None of us had ever visited it before (except me briefly in the early 1980s), and we enjoyed our sojourn immensely. The very well hung galleries survey American art from its beginnings to the present. At its establishment in 1903 the museum was the first in the Americas to be devoted to "strictly American Art", by its own account.
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