
By BethAndCo

6 months old today

I cannot believe how fast the last 6 months have flown by, literally. Our little girl has completely stolen our hearts, and they have been the happiest 6 months of my entire life. I still have to take a moment every now and again and re-realise that I am a Mommy to my darling baby girl. It's just so amazing.

A few times over the last couple of weeks, Eva has been waking early hours for a feed. She does go straight back to sleep, but none the less... In fact, it seems to coincide with when we started BLW. She isn't eating anything yet, just sucking the odd thing, everything she's nearly swallowed, she's brought back up. So I hope she isn't too hungry and that's why she's waking all of a sudden. She certainly doesn't look starved so we will persevere. Everything I read about it says food is for fun til they're 1, they get all they need from your milk still til then, you must be patient and go at their pace etc, so I will carry on. She did love the sweetness of the orange I gave her at breakfast mind, but again it was just sucked a bit then pushed on the floor lol.

Mike, Eva and I went to Wythall carnival today. Jake was at his moms. It was really good and there was loads to do and see. There were classic cars, a dog show, a stunt team jumping off a high scaffolding tower in lots of different ways, food stalls, fair rides etc. we didn't stay too long as the smells of all the food stalls were making us starving and we'd got Sunday lunch waiting for us when we got back, but when Eva is older she will absolutely love going on everything.

Eva had a sleep when we got back but woke up just in time for lunch. She had a piece of chicken, some broccoli, carrot, roast potato wedges, but her favourite thing to gum again was definitely the roast parsnip. She loved it the other week at Nanny's house and she loved it again today. She did actually break a piece off in her mouth but it was just brought back up and not swallowed. She'll get there I'm sure.

Jake came back from his moms around 6 and I'd put him a dinner up, so he had that, and then once Eva was in bed asleep, we all had apple pie and custard for dessert yum!

Eva was a little unsettled at bedtime too. Mike went and took his iPad up to her for her to watch her favourite programme, In The Night Garden. We could hear it on the monitor downstairs. When it finished he went back up to her but she was still awake. She obviously just wanted to watch the end of the programme, as within minutes, she was fast asleep.

Happy 6 months old my beautiful daughter, we all love you so very much xxxxxxxxx

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