Stable friends

Extraordinary visit to stabels today; took 617 photos in two hours. Some of those maybe end up to the stabels internet site. I'll tell if so...

Beautiful day, sunny +21c, partly cloudy - excellent for photographing horses.

This poor martin had second time small babies in the nest in this summer. Around the stabels there is plenty of food, flys and all, but the fall is maybe too near. I wonder if these babies will survive. Both of the mother birds constantly feeded them to the nest... And for a while one of them sat on the gate of Lavas -the biggest horse of the stabels.

Thanks for the nice comments and stars for the vasp yesterday. In the saturday afternoon we drove to the country and went to the "Old traditional finnish agriculture/ farm show", so lovely shots I got there, but I did not dare to publish without permission all the photos...

Hope we all will have a good start for our week.
And hey. Let's be careful out there!


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