
By fennerpearson

Wiped out

I'm not sure what's wrong with me at the moment; this week, I've been tired all the time. I don't think I'm ill, although being tired is usually a sign of that but I haven't been grumpy at all, which is another (unfortunate) sign.

But one thing that has changed this week is that I haven't been drinking, nothing alcoholic, anyway. I do worry about my drinking from time to time, not because of how much I drink, which doesn't vary much, but the because I drink most days. Pretty much every day, in fact, usually two or three glasses of wine although sometimes more, especially if I'm socialising.

I don't find stopping difficult in the sense that I'm desperate for a drink, but I do find it hard because it's a habit. I'm used to doing whatever I get up to in the evenings with a glass of wine by my side.

Sometimes when I stop drinking, I have trouble sleeping because my body has to adapt to going to bed completely sober but this week has been fine. In fact, if anything, I've been tired earlier, heading to bed with my book long before midnight.

So, here is my photo for today, reflecting how I feel; a bit washed out. And ready for bed again.

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