Saturday: The Artist

The evening didn't pan out quite as we expected, but in a good way.

K. and I had planned to pop out for a couple of drinks and an early Chinese, following which we were going to come home and watch a couple of episodes of 'The Wire'.  Well, once in the bar, Sedmice, we got chatting to Gabi, seen here, and her partner, Denis.  The conversation started because Gabi had such a wonderful, beautifully tempered dog with her, a lovely retriever mix.

Anyway, we spent the rest of the evening with them and have swapped details in the hope of getting together again soon.  They are a really interesting couple, Gabi is an artist, Denis is a sculptor.  I asked how they had met, they have been together a year.  Gabi told me that Denis is a well-known artist, and she had been a long time admirer of his art, before she ever met him.  She looked him up to learn more about his art and it all just happened from there.  I like that story.

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