Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

It has been a good one.... :-)

Summer that is. Tomorrow is the last day of the holidays - and today is the last day I have on my own...and I have really enjoyed it :-) I do a self portrait about once a year and today seemed to be the day. I carefully avoided making any plans for today and instead I have gone for a long walk and otherwise spent a lot of time on the balcony reading. Finished Ian McEwan´s was great - especially the ending. He is good at endings :-)

It was a day for some reflection, quiet, rest and just some has been lovely. And it has been such a great summer. I wasn´t sure how this one would go - plans didnt initially work out as I had wanted and yet it turned out to be probably the best summer holiday I have had in years- time with family and friends, great times with the boys, time in Dublin and time in the mountains...and lots of time here at home - all of it perfect :-) Things just fell into place - and life looks really good. And I think I am even ready to head back to work. Im looking forward to seeing my colleagues and will be good :-)

This photo seems to capture how my day has been and just how I am feeling these days....nice :-) Boys home in a half an hour and I need to get to the store....time to move :-)

I hope you have all had good summers as well :-)

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