Black Cherry

By ABPhotos

nice welcome ...

... we were only away 2 weeks but once at home in the afternoon from airport .. felt almost we've been away miles and for long time but once I connected with my garden it felt I have only left yesterday ... meaning already settled in .. bags still unpacked .. don't have any urge nor willingness to open them ... tomorrow ... perhaps its good time .. now relaxed about whole thing .. taking easy with cold beer & Bob Marley :)

all the flowers I have left only 2 wks ago decided to bloom beautifully .. attracting masses of all sorts of bees and other insects including this moth ..

nice to be back home .. nice to be back to my own bed .. nice to see my cat missed me and not leaving a sight of me (now being cosy on the sofa in the office very next to me, very unusual for her) .. nice to be back to good size mac screen ..



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