
By Beckett

YIPPEE..... they are ready....

.... finally the few warm days has opened the buds from our flowering prunus, and having a busy day ahead took the opportunity to grab this bee enjoying things before we left for the day.


Had a commitment to help out today on a BBQ for the local Prostate Cancer support Group. With the efforts of "T Rex" being part of Cancer Awareness, and having just gone through the removal of my prostate with cancer (seems now all good) after doing this today felt I would also promote the need for "T Rex's" awareness program. We cannot be too complacent - from a male view point if you are over 40 years and have not had a PSA test, then please consider seriously the need to set your bench mark by doing so. If you are over 50 years and have not had a check up then I can only suggest it is a must to be done within a short period of time!! I had been a typical male and not done anything, and only found I had an issue following a test for something else!! So, I consider myself lucky.

Off the soap box.... it was a magnificent sunny warm day and we ran out of the sausage sandwiches so a very successful day for the group.


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