St Ives Raft Race 2013

...............And what a fabulous evening it's been.

I had to stay 'home alone' tonight while Ann went 'raft racing'. She said that the Wharf would be really crowded and I wouldn't like it. I was a bit upset because I'd had a practice in the raft and I thought that Ann would let me take part in the real thing.

The theme was the 'Royal Family' and I thought if Ann could wear a mask and pretend to be Prince Charles; then I could wear a mask and pretend to be a corgi??!!

However, Ann said I'd get upset if people threw flour bombs at me.

Ann has had a lot of flour bombs thrown at her tonight. She has just spent about half an hour in the shower. She said she wished someone had thrown an egg at her because then she could have turned herself into a cake and eaten herself. LOL!!!

Anyway the 'apre raft race' party was held on my sun terrace.

All my favourite people in one place. Yay!!!

St Ives raft race 2013 has been fun.

Happy weekend blippers. xxx

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