I managed a decent shot of a hummingbird! She's lovely in large.

I had all but given up on ever getting a passable image of one of these tiny creatures. Though, after following Deb's hummingbird week, I picked up a few tips. Firstly, it helps to have the feeder in the sun. My feeder has been on the deck (under a tree) all summer and every shot of one was grainy, blurry and otherwise crappy. Yesterday I moved the feeder near the garden in a somewhat sunny spot. (Total sun is unavailable around my house.) It didn't take long before I heard that sought after hum while I was pruning the flowers this morning. She came back time and time again, about every three minutes. So I grabbed my camera and positioned myself for a decent exposure. I did get hundreds of many shots of her at that point from all different angles. I was super pleased, until I studied them closer... How soon one forgets lessons sort of learned; I didn't used the monopod. :( I'm sure you can imagine the issue.

Fortunately for me, she came around all day long. So when the light was right again, I attached that insufferable wonderful monopod to my camera and tried again. Much better results! Still not like Deb's hummingbird week or Kathee's stunner today. But, I'm a beginner hummer snapper, so I'll take it. :)

Later on in the day, a male spotted the feeder and he seems to be quite the bully. He sits on his lofty perch high above the feeder and surveys the area. If this gal comes to feed, he violently runs her off. Such a bummer because he's not a poser like she was this morning. Mr. Aggressor is ruining my new setup. :( Though, it was interesting to watch. Maybe he'll relax a bit soon and let me get a shot of him as well.

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