
By Lainymac

Ducka Ducka

One of my beautiful niece's favourite phrases - she's under 21 months old.

Had a hectic, stressful day at work. Made bearable by the fact I'm off for the weekend and only working next Monday / Saturday.

Heading home I was shattered and ready to relax but decided to pay a visit to Clatto Park as hadn't bagged a photo to blip yet.

First sight to greet me was a cute little bunny which immediately started to de-stress me. I then went down to the reservoir where I was saw four lovely signets with their parents. It was the ducklings that really caught my attention though, I loved the way their mum called to them warning of danger (a passing dog paying them some attention). They clambered onto the jetty beside me which meant I had to wait until they popped back in the water before I could leave. Their little chirps made me smile and I grabbed a photo before leaving them in peace.

I am in a good place at the moment with many blessings to appreciate - life is good :)

Heading to Edinburgh tomorrow, looking to catch up with friends and take some photos at the Festival :)

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