Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Work, and life, have been a bit crazy lately, so Blipping has been set to the side.
At work, I'm now managing the Instagram account we have, as well as being the person other go to, to find things in the clothes storage; and taking care of customers, killing lice, sowing, taking care of coworkers and just fixing things here and there. I like having a lot to do, but when the 'lot to doos' happens at once, it's a bit trying... Like today: a coworker and I were told we had to organise some things in the clothes storage, and the last time I was in there organising I felt like I didn't want to see the inside of it ever again... So, I wasn't happy for the assignment, and neither was my coworker but for different reasons. I told the supervisors that someone needed to take care of the cashier, because I was going to be two doors down and might not hear. I was told that we'll open the doors and it'll be ok. Alright then. In I went, with my uninspired coworker, and I got to work...she got to talking about how little she wanted to do this. I told her I don't either, but here we are, lets get to it. I had to tell her what to do... 'take these boxes, those bags..' and then I heard the bell ring at the cashiers desk and my name was called. So I went out to check, and the customer hadn't gotten help and not a supervisor in sight... no were.. just 'poof' gone. So I helped the customers, and my coworker sat down to talk with another coworker instead... I finished a couple of customers and had to tell my coworker 'let's go back and work'. In my mind... the sooner we get this done, the sooner we get out of here... I carried and wrote on boxes and organised and fixed and told her what to do, and took care of customers in-between. Then we had our morning break, and I was able to sit down for a bit.
My boss told me 'we need to put out a notice on Instagram that our tulips are nearly gone', ok... so I went out and took a photo and waited for her to give me the go ahead. At the same time, I handled customers buying tulips and other things. I got the go a head and wrote a post, then I got back to sowing one seed/ pot and taking care of customers and answering the phone, and searching for supervisors.... my boss saw I was getting a bit stressed. The last half hour I asked one of the supervisors if she could take the cashiers and she said yes. I also had the same coworker I worked with in the clothes storage sitting beside me talking, talking, talking... at some point I stopped listening and answering, so finally she got silence and I could be in my thoughts.
I really love my job, but sometimes I wish there were less people involved. :D  

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