Spring cleaning
There has been much house tidying, clearing and cleaning in the past couple of days.
For some years now Granny and Grandpa’s house has been the convenient repository in which our sons felt they could happily leave anything that was temporarily (permanently?) surplus to their requirements. The end result being, of course, that Granny and Grandpa have been living with a lot of other people’s clutter around the place, which wasn’t exactly restful.
Things are on the move now, though. Middle son has been assisting by going to the tip and charity shop for us, which means our garage is now nice and tidy. He’s also promised to have a grand clear out of all that we’re storing for them, primarily in the play room and cellar. That, combined with the gradual sorting out I’ve been doing of our own stuff for the past year or two, means that it feels as though I am at last getting my house back.
This hydrangea plant was a birthday gift. It’s a perfect addition to our hall window sill and a very appropriate adornment I feel for our newly uncluttered surroundings.
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