In the Ark ...
The rain poured down incessantly today. I've just locked up, looked outside for the first time since early morning, and the sky has had the cheek to clear - there are stars, and blackness - but ever since I first went out at 8.30am the rain has fallen with increasing enthusiasm until I was past caring and it was too dark to see it. I realise at least one of my blip friends was surprised not to see the rain as forecast; I think that may have been because it was all falling on Dunoon.
That shopping trip before breakfast seems aeons ago too - and it was a truncated shop, because we're not going to be here for half the week, so I restricted my buying in the hope I'd not feel I had to make more Green Welly soup when we return. And after I came home, I didn't go out again. Not once - except to say "Hello" to the gardener who was already at work when I came downstairs in the morning, and now, while I was locking up. Not really my kind of day at all.
Partly I suppose it was a Good Thing - gave me a chance to get over Whatever-it-Was properly. There were phone calls and messages to deal with, and Himself and I talked over arrangements for Holy Week, where we're trying to fit our normal life into the added demands of Mother Church. I was pleased to be tagged in a promo video for the poetry translation course in the University of Timisoara - this pinged into my phone while I was shopping. We both fell asleep after a wholly inadequate lunch of a banana sandwich - today was one of those days when only something sweetly childish will do. At some point I roused myself to make bread, and then went up to the study to take a look at the sermon I've been working on and at the Intercessions I need for this Sunday. In desperation at having a photo that wasn't just raindrops on the window, I took a photo of my desktop - the cluttered screen is actually a good reflection of my day. Di rang, and we had a long conversation making up for not getting our walk yesterday, and that was that.
I only had boring end-of-winter potatoes to accompany dinner, so I mashed them with yogurt and half a teaspoonful of dukkah - next time I'll use more - to have with baked salmon and steamed pak choi, followed by rhubarb and yogurt with granola sprinkled on top, and decided I was back to eating normally again. I did a whole tranche of Italian and then subsided over the telly.
Currently EastEnders seems to be pulling all the acting stops out from several characters, including the young ones - strong story-lines and societal comment feature more at the moment than the more humdrum interaction between the usual suspects. Usually I can manage a 30 minute episode before I subside into semi-consciousness ...
I think my blips mirror my state of mind - today's seems ... flat.
How appropriate!
*Blipfoto seems to have resolved the map issue - jolly good show!
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