Wild Wednesday ...
... Momma Mallard.
You may notice (or not) that this photo was taken with the Nikon D750 ... Richard's old camera. That's because we got some bad news (and some good) regarding the repairs to my Nikon Z6iii ... sigh.
What was supposed take 3-5 days to repair has turned into 4-5 WEEKS! That's the bad news ... I won't be getting my camera back any time soon. Sadly we have two vacations coming up that I was hoping to be able to use the Z63 camera on both. The first one (Lake Lure, NC) isn't quite as important as the one coming up first part of May ... which I'm still keeping a secret for now. Let's just say it's a once in a lifetime trip.
But ... the good news is the insurance company will pay for a rental camera up to a certain dollar amount ... which is very generous. Since for the Lake Lure trip I'm okay using this Nikon D750 or my old D5600 I'm going to hold off on the rental until closer to our May vacation. I'm really very grateful that we purchased the insurance when we bought the Z63! It's certainly paying for itself.
After our walk today at the Palmer Bike Trail we stopped at the Waterfowl Observation area to photograph the ducks and geese. Please have a look at this beautiful female mallard full screen.
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