Still Rockin'

By RockArea

Rainy Kyles

It's been tipping it down all day. I don't mind too much because the forecast before we arrived suggested that the weather would be like this all week, so we've done alright.

Something was going on this morning. We saw flares going up out by the islands. I wasn't sure what that was, not red or amber, they looked more yellow to me but I thought I ought to ring the coast guard. 999? I don't recall ever having to ring that before. Anyway they took my report and said they'd had a report from someone else too.. 

I didn't realise that the boat I photographed earlier was a Police boat (it was a bit misty out there on account of the rain). That's my main blip, I just thought it would show off the kind of day we were having. A little while later it came back and it was only then that I realised it was a Police vessel. I don't know if they'd been out there setting off out of date flares? Surely not.

Later on a comment on yesterday's blip alerted me to the fact that a blipper lived just down the road from where we are. I arranged to meet up with the lovely Torag so I've add an extra of us and Cooper, looking slightly awkward. It was great to meet her and have a cup of tea and a chat.

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